Derby CAMRA Pub Inventory
The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) keep an inventory of pubs nationally with historic interiors and compiled by the CAMRA Pub Heritage Group. This is the product of over thirty years of careful research. It identifies pubs with intact traditional interiors or which have features and rooms of national importance. Please click on the link below to look at the national CAMRA website.
National CAMRA Pub Heritage
This page compliments the national website and lists pubs or features of pubs in the Derby CAMRA area which have historic interest.
Furniture and Decor
Malt Shovel in Spondon - Lovely preserved copper topped bar.
Brewery Memorabilia
Falstaff: - An extensive collection of items from the Derby based Offilers brewery.
If you have any information please send this to us
Last updated 7th May 2024.