Mild Month

Every May CAMRA have a national campaign to celebrate Mild May, an initiative to celebrate and highlight the beer style Mild.
For more information on the national campaign go to the
CAMRA national page.

Come and join us at 20:00 (8pm) on 23rd May 2023 at the Smithfield, Meadow Road, to celebrate Mild Month.

For a list of pubs in Derby CAMRA's area selling a mild during May see below the poster.

Mild Month

Derby CAMRA Pubs Selling Mild in May

The following pubs are hoping to sell a Mild or at least a dark beer during May, so why not go along and support Mild or even discover it.

Alexandra Hotel - Siddals Road, Derby.
Five Lamps - Duffield Road, Derby.
Flower Pot - King Street, Derby.
Smithfield - Meadow Road, Derby.


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Last updated 14th May 2023
